Nikon D300 24mm f/7,1 1/200 -0,3 iso200 polarizer filter EXPLORE #2 from this day!!! Thank you all!!!! Me encantó este lugar. He de subir alguna foto más y en la siguiente contaré la historia que acompaña a esta linda zona de Holanda... ¿¿no se os parece a las casas que dibujábamos cuando éramos un poco más jovenes?? :) Kinderdijk es un pueblo neerlandés, situado en la Provincia Holanda Meridional en los Países Bajos. Raramente el pueblo depende de dos diferentes ayuntamientos. Una parte pertenece al ayuntamiento de Nieuw-Lekkerland y otra parte pertenece al ayuntamiento de Alblasserdam. Kinderdijk se encuentra en donde se cruzan los rios Noord y Lek por lo cual la industria local es el mantenimiento de buques de carga. Kinderdijk es mundialmente conocida por sus molinos que son denominados por la UNESCO como monumento internacional. Los molinos atraen muchos turistas por lo cual se puede decir que es un pueblo concurrido. I've loved this place. I will upload a couple of pictures more from this beautiful area of Netherlands. And in next one I'll tell a story about this windmill area. By the way, don't you think this house is quite similar to the ones we used to draw when we were younger?? :) Kinderdijk is a village in the Netherlands, partly in the municipality Nieuw-Lekkerland, partly in the municipality of Alblasserdam, in the province South Holland, about 15km east of Rotterdam. Kinderdijk is situated in a polder at the confluence of the Lek and Noord rivers. To drain the polder, a system of 19 windmills was built around 1740. This group of mills is the largest concentration of old windmills in the Netherlands. The windmills of Kinderdijk are one of the best known Dutch tourist sites. They were placed on the list of UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1997.
Living Art Water Gardens :: The Art of Nature Portrayed in Your Yard offers water garden design, installation, maintenance and supplies. We also design and install koi ponds, pondless waterfalls and hybrid ...
Fire & Water Garden Art Custom made decorative fences, rails, arbors, and trellises worked in iron.
Garden Art Gallery, garden sculptures, water fountains GARDEN ART GALLERY, garden sculptures, water fountains and public art in bronze, steel, clay, and marble ... Copyright 1996-2008 Garden Art Gallery , PO Box ...
WaterWorks Garden Art Custom copper garden décor sculptures, water fountains, bird feeders, garden gates, and more by Vancouver Island artist and master recycler Douglas Walker.
Water Garden Art Prints - Shop.com Shop for Water Garden Art Prints in the Posters section of Shop.com. Thousands of Brands. Hundreds of Stores.
Al's Garden Art - Manufacturer suppliers since 1949 of cast-stone ... Al's Garden Art offering Garden Art including Fountains, Birdbaths, and Garden Statuary. ... HOME | COMPANY. HISTORY. MANUFACTURING. SALES & MARKETING. SERVICE ...
Framed Art the Water Garden - Wall Shopping.com Find Framed Art the Water Garden and more Wall Art items at Shopping.com. Shop online and compare prices. Shopping made simple.
Garden Art, Gifts, Etc. ... page book discusses water management in the garden, recreating wetland habitats ... The Garden Gallery debuts its Girl Sitting with Bird bronze garden art. ...
Adding water and art to your garden is easy if you go to Hughes Water Gardens. The number one tip.. start small in your water feature and then grow larger. Art can take many forms and all of the forms are beautiful in your garden.Beauty and sustainablilty in the garden are not exclusive. Dennis' 7 Dees has a wonderful display that combines green roofs, drought tolerant plants, 'green' practices, and rain water mitigation in a wonderful combination.
Water Hyacinth Growing water hyacinths in an ornamental water garden. ... Garden Art. Water Hyacinth. By Josh Spece. Common Name: Water Hyacinth ...
Goldfishlinks: Water Garden Art Water Garden Art. 1 link (1 regular) in this category Last link added 10/28/07. ... Kimmy-Koi Art / Mona's-Koi "Kimmy-Koi Art: Fine Art Featuring Koi with ...